If anyone out there is like me - and I know I am - then you may be wondering, "What the HELL is a Miviludes?
So, I consulted WIKIPEDIA, the intergalactic fountain of TRUTH...
"The MIVILUDES (a French acronym for Mission interministérielle de vigilance et de lutte contre les dérives sectaires, i.e. Interministerial Mission of Vigilance and Combat against Sectarian Aberrations) is a French government agency, created by Presidential decree in 2002. It is charged with observing and analyzing the phenomenon of sectarian movements (cults), coordinating the government response, informing the public about the risks arising from sectarian aberrations and facilitating the implementation of actions to aid the victims."
So there you have it. Seems to me like the French gov't wants to monitor minority religions.
Frankly, since I am in the USA, it is none of my bee's-wax (that's an American idiom for "business, or "biz-niss," as it is usually pronounces over here.)
Discuss, si-vous-plait...